How does TENCEL™ bedding keep you cool?

Beautiful quality blush Tencel bedding set on a modern wooden bed

With the UK experiencing record-breaking heat in June, it’s looking like those humid summer nights are here to stay. We’ve all been there; tossing and turning in a hot bed trying to get comfortable while the heavy air offers no breeze through the window.

Temperature is key when it comes to getting the best night’s sleep, and that’s why we’ve designed our bedding sets using 100% TENCEL™ Lyocell fibres. Our TENCEL™ Lyocell bedding not only offers exceptional softness but also keeps you cool all night, leaving you refreshed and ready for a new day.

So how does TENCEL™ Lyocell keep you cool and comfortable?

Plant in foreground with white bedding reflected in a mirror

Temperature regulating technology

The microscopic TENCEL™ Lyocell fibres are structured to regulate the absorption and release of moisture from the body. This allows TENCEL™ Lyocell to work with the body’s natural temperature regulating function. As the body warms or cools, the fabric responds accordingly absorbing more or less moisture.

The moisture is absorbed into the fabric rather than resting on the fabric’s surface, which is why your TENCEL™ Lyocell sheets feel so especially cool and dry even on the most humid night.

Ultra-breathable airy feel

Our TENCEL™ Lyocell bedding is made up of superfine cellulosic fibres made from wood pulp. These give our sheets their cloud-like, airy soft feel, and allow the body to breathe. And even better, Lenzing have created TENCEL™ Lyocell with microfibre technology that makes the fabric long-lasting, so your TENCEL™ Lyocell sheets will keep you cool for years to come.

Antibacterial freshness that lasts

Not only do our TENCEL™ bed sheets feel cool, they actually stay fresher for longer. As the fibres absorb moisture into the fabric, there is less available moisture on the surface for bacteria to grow.

When tested against cotton and polyester for bacteria growth, TENCEL™ showed significantly lower growth rates of the three most common bacteria types. Good news for staying fresh on those hot summer nights!

White Tencel bedding set with sprig of eucalyptus in foreground

Are you struggling to sleep in the hot weather? Visit our store to explore our range of 100% TENCEL™ Lyocell bedding to keep you cool this summer. Available in our fresh, nature-inspired range of colours to bring joy and rest into your home.

Want to know more about TENCEL™ Lyocell, our botanical wonder fabric? You can find out more here.


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In between the sheets with Lameirinho, our partner factory